Communication in distributed systems – ZeroMQ
Task (0-10 points)
Create a system in which two applications communicate with each other using ZeroMQ library. The first application should send complex data structure to the second application using serialization. The second application should deserialize received data and print the received structure.
- For serialization/deserialization of the data structure use Google Protocol Buffers library.
Data structure to send (based on the ROS Pose).
Point position Quaternion orientation
where Point contains coordinates x, y, z and Quaternion contains elements: x, y, z, w.
- ZeroMQ in C++:
#include <zmq.hpp>
, linker option:-lzmq
Example of protobuf usage in Python
Install protobuf compiler (if necessary)
sudo apt install protobuf-compiler
Message schema definition (person_msg.proto file)
syntax = "proto3"; message Person { string name = 1; optional int32 id = 2; }
Generate code from schema
protoc -I=. --python_out=. ./person.proto
Serialize message and write it to the file
import person.person_pb2 as person_pb2 person_msg = person_pb2.Person() = "John" = 5 # Write message to binary file with open("person.bin", "wb") as f: data = person_msg.SerializeToString() f.write(data)
Read a message from file and deserialize it
import person.person_pb2 as person_pb2 # Read message from binary file with open("person.bin", "rb") as f: msg = person_pb2.Person().FromString(