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About me

I’m a software engineer with experience in robotics, autonomous vehicles, and telecommunication. I have received my Ph.D. in Automation and Robotics from Wrocław University of Science and Technology – working on localization and mapping in multi-robot systems. I’m developing several software and hardware projects related to mobile robotics, motors control, and electronics in my spare time. On this webpage, I’d like to show you several solutions and issues related to these projects.

Personal projects

Software projects (open source)
  • depth_nav_tools – A set of ROS tools for mobile robots navigation based on data from RGB-D sensors
  • bosch_imu_driver – A ROS driver for IMU Bosch BNO055
  • 3d_map_server – A 3D map server that integrates octomaps based on matched 3D features for the ROS framework
  • qr_detector – QR codes detector for ROS framework
  • linak_desk – A Linak desk driver for Home Assistant
Autonomous mobile robots (HW + SW)
Motors controllers (HW + SW)


  • K. Arent, J. Jakubiak, M. Drwięga, M. Cholewiński, G. Stollnberger, M. Giuliani, M. Tscheligi, D. Szcześniak-Stańczyk, M. Janowski, W. Brzozowski. Control of mobile robot for remote medical examination: design concepts and users’ feedback from experimental studies, Human System Interaction (HSI), 9th International Conference on, Portsmouth (UK), 2016
  • M. Drwięga, J. Jakubiak. Zestaw narzędzi wspomagających nawigację kołowym robotem mobilnym wyposażonym w sensor głębi, Krajowa Konferencja Robotyki (KKR), 2016
  • J. Jakubiak, M. Drwięga, A. Kurnicki. Development of a mobile platform for a remote medical teleoperation robot, Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics (MMAR), 21th International Conference on, 2016
  • K. Arent, D. Szczęśniak-Stańczyk, B. Stańczyk, M. Cholewiński, Ł. Chojnacki, W. Domski, M. Drwięga, J. Jakubiak, M. Janiak, B. Kreczmer, A. Kurnicki. Zastosowanie robota do telediagnostyki medycznej z perspektywy projektu ReMeDi, Krajowa Konferencja Robotyki (KKR), 2016
  • M. Drwięga,  Określanie lokalizacji źródła dźwięku z wielopunktowego nasłuchuW: Komputerowe przetwarzanie wiedzy. Kolekcja prac 2014/2015 pod redakcją Tomasza Kubika: Tomasz Kubik, 2016. s. 96-107
  • J. Jakubiak, M. Drwięga and B. Stańczyk, Control and perception system for ReMeDi robot mobile platformMethods and Models in Automation and Robotics (MMAR), 2015 20th International Conference on, Międzyzdroje, 2015, s. 750-755.
  • M. Drwięga, Validation, and comparison of navigation systems in wheeled platforms with different drive mechanisms and sensors. Student’s Science Conference (SSC), 2015, s. 278-283

Diploma theses